Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I love thunderstorms!

This week is seeming to be an interesting week, at least in the sky! We have had some off and on rain and thunderstorms pop up during the last few days, which makes for some interesting clouds. On Monday, we finally made it to the McPherson water park to pull up and find out it was temporarily closing due to a storm. Needless to say I was bummed, especially after driving a half hour to get there. But, we ended up waiting it out and it broke up enough for them to let us in to swim. We had a good time -especially since we got to see Baby Dylan!

But, back to clouds... check out these thunderheads - I had to snap a picture of them. They were hanging over Salina as I was driving back from McPherson! Pretty, aren't they?


Dana said...

They're beautiful! I'm glad I'm not the only one that takes photos while driving. :)

Jae Davis said...

Kansans are the only people infatuated with thunderstorms, I think. Because rain is so rare!! LOL I'm a thundercould picture-taker, too. And, no, my Louisiana friends don't share my passion. ;)