Monday, September 21, 2009

Dress Up!

Part of being a girl is playing dress up! What little girl didn't do that? Girls just have such an immagination and love to play so many immaginary type situations! My girls are NO exception. I think Ashlyn likes to dress up more than anyone else, but they all love it!

We are lucky that our neighborhood is filled with lots of other kids for our girls to play with. We even have a family down the street with FOUR girls and two of them are exactly Maddie and Ashlyn's it's great! And, the other two are older so they love to boss the younger ones (including mine) around.

This summer, my girls spent a few hours at their house and when I went over to pick them up...I found that they were playing DRESS UP! Shelly's girls have been in dance for many years and had TONS of old dance performance costumes to play in...and my girls had a blast. So, before we left we took their pictures as they were showing them off. SO CUTE...I couldn't resist...I had to share!

Thanks Shelly for such a fun day!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What awesome dress up clothes. I would have been in heaven at that age with costumes like this!