Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Head Injury...

Anyone that knows my husband's childhood knows that it comes with many, many stories of Chris and his head injuries! He had a lot of problems with depth perception as a child due to his eyesight and would constantly fall and hit his head. One story that is always told is the day he split open the side of his head when he crashed his four wheeler into the corner of a semi-trailer at his dad's shop. He still has a moon shaped scar to show for that one!

Well, his luck still stinks when it comes to getting injured. As far as getting sick...the man NEVER does...I mean NEVER! We can all come down with the cold and flu and Chris is the one that will not ever get it - even though he's been exposed. HOWEVER, he is always the one that gets hurt and has to have stitches. Honestly, it never fails...he seems to be in the ER at least once every couple years.

Well...that's where we were again this last Friday! We were helping some friends of our move and when Chris and Tim were carrying their heavy Elliptical exercise machine up the staircase we had an accident. It was very akward and heavy and just as they were at the top of the stairs...a heavy moving piece of it came down - right on the top of Chris' head. Chris knew immediately that he would need stitches...he could feel the piece of skin that had been cut and knew it was deep. So, once again...we went straight to the ER and got him all fixed up.

This is the BEFORE picture - as we were waiting for him to be seen by the doctor and after it had stopped bleeding!

The doctor decided to use staples instead of stitches. I guess it works just the same and it is much faster. When he came in...he told Chris that he could numb the area first; however, the burning pain of the numbing medicine was relatively the same amount of pain as the pinching feeling of the staples without numbing. He gave Chris the choice, but Chris opted to go for the faster (and cheaper) approach and go without numbing. They put five staples in...pretty fast. Chris describes the first one as "wow, that really isn't bad"...the second one as "ouch, that one kinda hurt"...the third one as "now that is REALLY hurting" and the fourth and fifth one he wasn't saying nice things! Luckily it was fast and over with in literally about 5 seconds. We laugh about it now, but he WASN'T laughing then.

5 staples later he was all fixed up and feeling somewhat better... well... he did have a slight headache!


Dana said...

Oh! Owwww! Just OWWWWWW!

Unknown said...

That's pretty impressive, Chris! By the way, I like your t-shirt!!