Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Are you so proud of me?"

"Are you so proud of me?" is all that Ashlyn has been saying since about 2 pm yesterday afternoon. She has asked me, daddy, grandma and even Maddie this and won't stop. I think it all derives from the fact that Ashlyn is proud of herself! Ashlyn FINALLY made the decision to get her ears pierced!!! My rule has been that once my girls turn 5, they can get their ears pierced...but, it has to be their decision. When Ashlyn turned five in February, we asked her if she wanted to and she said NO. She hasn't really had much of a desire until a few weeks ago when she started talking about it. However, she has always backed out at the last minute. I think her biggest fear was that it was going to hurt!

However, yesterday we had a little time to spare before Grandma Johnson took the girls to a movie and I asked her if she wanted to do it. She got really excited and immediately told me yes. She even stayed pretty brave and didn't change her mind UNTIL we had one done and the other ear to go! We were hesitant to do it since there was only one person that could pierce, so it was going to have to be done one ear at a time and not both at once...and we ended up being right. Once she got one ear done and felt the sting, she REALLY didn't want to do the other one. It only took about 10 minutes of convincing and then she got her brave face back on and got the other one pierced! So, now she is so proud of herself....and of course, her mommy and daddy and EXTREMELY PROUD OF HER TOO!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A New Adventure!

Okay, so I can't believe I'm going to say it, but..... I'm going to start a DAYCARE! Actually, I am not doing it by myself, but with my sister-in-law. I have been asked so many times if I was going to start a daycare since I already watch Baby Dylan. My answer has always been, "I don't think I could do a daycare!" But, I always thought it would be just me doing it by myself. I love kids and even think my kids behave better when there are other kids here to keep them company, but I also need adult interaction! So that is why I'm so excited to be doing this with my sister-in-law! There will be two of us - to share in conversation, the chores of the day....someone to help when there is an issue or a child is having a behavior problem....someone to "take over" when you feel your frustration or stress level rising....and of course, an extra person to be there to love and play with the kids and to help keep them safe and secure. I am REALLY excited! I think this is going to be a GREAT thing!

Yesterday we went to the orientation meeting to get all the information of opening a group home daycare, which is what we'll be since there will be two adults providing care. Wow, there is a lot of paperwork and forms! We have to get started immedietely to get everything done so we can have our temporary permit by the time school starts back up in the fall! We hope to be open by August 1st!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

One of my favorite parts of Easter is watching the girls get all dressed up in their Easter dresses. This Easter was no different, but it did give Chris and I a laugh as we were scurring around our house Sunday morning trying to get everyones tights on, dresses pressed, hair prettied up and so forth. As Chris would put it, this is when having three little girls becomes a challenge. We did, however, make it to church on time and even a few minutes early!

The girls with their Easter Baskets!

Posing in their Easter Dresses!

The Johnson Family

Another tradition we have is hunting for easter eggs after lunch! However, this year, we had to improvise and hide the eggs INSIDE because it was raining outside. But, the girls really didn't care...they were still as competitive as ever to get the most eggs in their basket. We even had to give Brooke a running start so that se would get some too!