Monday, November 2, 2009


This Halloween was sooo nice! I was so thankful that it fell on Saturday. When it falls on a weeknight, it is very stressful for me! I think that's because I have to get the kids fed supper, dressed and ready, trick or treating and then cleaned up and back in bed at a decent time so they will be ready for school the next day. This Halloween was so relaxing. We took afternoon naps... and spent an hour just getting our hair done at Aunt Mindy's... we took our time driving to family members to go trick or treating... we came home to walk the neighborhood... we went home and ate supper, got cleaned up and even had a few hours before we had to go to bed! It was wonderful... and there was no stress whatsoever! Loved it! Loved getting an extra hour of sleep too! Lastly... loved that there were NO princess costumes this year! Yeah! That is hard when you have girls!

Maddie as a gypsy...

Ashlyn as Hannah Montana...
A quick funny regarding that wig... We wore the wig for the school parade and to one house on Halloween night. After that, it was beginning to stress me out (it wouldn't stay on and it looked rediculous)... so we ditched the wig. Daddy said to Ashlyn "maybe you can just be Miley" (that's Hannah Montana's real name when she is not performing... Miley has dark hair unlike Hannah's blonde hair... and yes, we know it is SAD that we know all this!) Anyways... Ashlyn says back "Daddy, Miley has long hair... I have short hair... I'm not Miley... I'm still Ashlyn." Cracked us up! The things this child says... she is so witty!

Lastly... our Brookie as Dorothy... and she carried Toto the whole night long!
She wasn't so sure about this candy jar... she knows that the hand is going to get her!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Oh my gosh, the Dorothy costume is precious!