Friday, December 4, 2009

not very lucky...

I have not had the best luck in the last month. About a month ago, I accidently backed into another car and did some damage to the back of our Expedition. It was an interesting story...but let's just say...I was in a hurry and backed up so quickly that I didn't even hear my backup beeper! Luckily I didn't damage the other vehichle....just mine; but I was nonetheless irritated with myself!

So, about a week ago my Expedition got fixed and looked as good as new!


Monday morning...when a stupid deer decided to hit me! It was kind of a funny story (as funny as can be considering my car is damaged again), but I will go ahead and share this one.

We were driving to the bus stop and I saw a doe cross the road about 100 feet in front of me. So, I told the girls to watch for it because the milo field had just been cut and we should have been able to see it run into the field. We watched and watched and I slowed down, but as we got closer we couldn't see it anywhere. So, we determined it must have crouched down in the tall grass in the ditch to hide. Once I got passed the area that I had seen the deer, I began to speed up when all of a sudden Maddie yells "Mom, I see it!" which was immedietly followed by a thud (a loud thud might I add) and a realization that we had been hit by something.

I pulled the car over and another vehichle that had just passed me going the other way stopped as well. After discussion with that driver...I learned that a buck had been running from the other field and ran straight into the back of my expedition (right behind Maddie's window). I guess it was running full force and ran smack into my car, tumbled into the ditch and then got up and ran off. It was all behind my vehichle, so I never even saw the dumb thing.

Needless to say, I was completely bummed, mad, angry, ticked off, frazzled, irritated (you pick the word) at the situation!

One week after getting the back of my vehicle fixed, I now have a CRACKED BUMPER, a DENT on the side and a DEEP SCRATCH from a buck's antlers AND we didn't even get a deer out of it! I was hoping the deer would have died on the side of the road so at least i could have come home and told Chris I had got a deer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Definitely not lucky . . . at least no one's hurt!