Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Puerto Rico: Days 1 and 2

We spent all day Saturday traveling! Nineteen people through an airport is fun and challenging.

Especially for us as we were trying our hardest to keep our eyes on the three girls, but they kept dissappearing and giving me a heart attack. It was hard for them to understand that they had to tell us when they went off with someone else from our group. Our first flight to Dallas was no big deal...45minutes. No biggie at all. Thank goodness for Ipods... especially Ipods with movies!!!

Daddy even snuck in a little nap.
However, the second flight was 4 and a half hours! Whew!! Not easy I say with three little kids!

We were really lucky though as Brooke ended up sleeping most of the second flight.

Grandpa also decided to join her for a little nap as well.

After starting out our day at 4:30 AM...we finally arrived at Puerto Rico airport around 5:30 PM (Puerto Rico time, which is 2 hours ahead)! That makes for a full and exhausting day for sure. However, we decided to hit the pool that night since the weather allowed it and it was a good way to end the day!
The next morning...we decided to let the girls sleep in... I mean who could wake these cutie pies...
Once we finally got up and around...we spent a little time getting our hair braided...

and then headed out to the beach... where we spent most of the day...
Baby Drake got out in the sun too.

Ashlyn loved the water and letting the waves come up to her...

Brooke loved playing the sand.
We all had fun lounging around...

riding waves....
playing some football....
and looking for seashells...

Well if that isn't enough for one post, I don't know what is! I'll post more soon! I promise!

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