Monday, April 11, 2011

Car Conversations

Some of the most interesting and funny things the girls say are while we are in the car. 

This morning Ashlyn was practicing her reading while we were waiting on the school bus.

She was reading a book about kittens.  The first page was talking about how a kitten is growing in the mommy cat's tummy.

This brought up an interesting conversation...

ASHLYN: "Mommy, why doesn't Charlie have babies?"

MOMMY:  "Well, Charlie is a boy dog and boys don't have babies."

ASHLYN:  "Then he should get married, so he can have a baby."

MOMMY:  "He can't have a baby because he is a boy, and boys can't have babies"

ASHLYN:  "If he got married, his wife could have one for him."

I couldn't argue!