Monday, September 21, 2009

Dress Up!

Part of being a girl is playing dress up! What little girl didn't do that? Girls just have such an immagination and love to play so many immaginary type situations! My girls are NO exception. I think Ashlyn likes to dress up more than anyone else, but they all love it!

We are lucky that our neighborhood is filled with lots of other kids for our girls to play with. We even have a family down the street with FOUR girls and two of them are exactly Maddie and Ashlyn's it's great! And, the other two are older so they love to boss the younger ones (including mine) around.

This summer, my girls spent a few hours at their house and when I went over to pick them up...I found that they were playing DRESS UP! Shelly's girls have been in dance for many years and had TONS of old dance performance costumes to play in...and my girls had a blast. So, before we left we took their pictures as they were showing them off. SO CUTE...I couldn't resist...I had to share!

Thanks Shelly for such a fun day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fun at the Fair!

Saturday we were able to take the kids to the State Fair. They got to ride the rides...

I think Brooke liked this one...
and this year Maddie and Ashlyn were tall enough to ride the bigger rides... I am so glad that Chris likes riding rides because my stomach can't handle it.

Here they are waiting in line for the Tornado ride...

and Brooke waits patiently in her stroller...well sorta!

Riding the Tornado with Daddy...

Another one...and this time Brian joined in on the fun...
I had to laugh...look how close the girls are to Brian and Chris...a lot of it is the way this ride is...
It's a good thing the girls weren't on the end...or they would have been squished potatoes...
another favorite...

Mommy even got brave and rode the Zipper...
if you don't know what it is...
this is what it looks like...
the whole things turns and each individual cage turns...completely over...! SCARY!
Brian rode it with me...thank goodness...I needed someone to hold my hand!
This is me anxiously awaiting getting on the ride. Yeah right!...more like nervously...
and this is me getting off...frazzled...and luckily with all of my phone, which decided to fly out of my pocket in an overturn and Brian just happened to catch it in mid-air...
Brooke got to ride some of the little kids' rides by herself...
and had a blast... this car ride was one of her favorites...
and before we left...we had to ride the little big shot.
This is before the ride started...
and in progress...
this one made us laugh so hard...check out Brooke's face...

it looked like this everytime the ride came down! PRICELESS!

What a fun day at the fair!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A New Look

Last night Chris came home and told me he had a fun thing to do together planned. He wouldn't let me go into the kitchen while he put together everything he needed and got all of his "supplies". I was very curious as to what he was planning and I was shocked when I saw what it was. He had a chair set up in the kitchen and the clippers, shaving cream, and razor setting on the counter. So, together last night...we shaved his head! I can't believe he is bald, but he said he always wanted to try it and so he thought "why not now"! It actually doesn't look that bad. I'm getting more used to it. What do you think?

Monday, September 7, 2009

On the home stretch...

Well, I think (knock on wood) that we are on the home stretch now with Brooke's potty training! She's been kinda hem hawing around for over a month now, but this last week I worked so hard with her and I think it has finally clicked! She's not had any type of accident in a couple days now (continue to knock on wood), I am hoping that this will continue. She even has been doing good with the "pooping" part! YEAH!! We did have one HORRIBLE pooping accident at the beginning of last Kansasland Tire no less...that was so bad that I will leave it to your own imagination as to how it went and spare you the details. Let's just say, there was poop everywhere!!! But, that is not the case anymore. I think she now understands that she is supposed to do that in the potty and NOT in your pretty new panties! I am so happy that this part of my life is relatively done...I really HATE potty training!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Who Screams for Ice Cream?

we do, we do...

Who doesn't love when you hear that silly little song in your neighborhood that sends off the signals to your brain that the ice cream truck is nearing? I have such fond memories of the ice cream man that came to my grandma's neighborhood and all us kids would run out to pick our most favorite treat!

Why do we find it fun as a kid picking ice cream out of a moving vehicle? And, why is that van always so scary looking, but we still want to run up there to pick out our favorite treats and we don't question anything about it? I wonder if the do background checks on those people? Oh is still one of my fondest memories as a kid!

I was so excited this summer as we were able to get the ice cream man down our street. I had heard that infamous song once earlier this summer, but it never got close enough and we ended giving up on him. However, a month or so ago, we heard that song again and we rushed outside to see if it was anywhere near. We tracked him down to the road over a street and Aunt Mindy went and chased him down and sent him our way...and boy were we glad! Here's the girls...waiting and waiting for the truck to get to us!

But it finally did and we went right up there to pick out our favorite dessert items!

It was fun to share a memory that I have as a kid with my own kids! The girls loved their treats...and wow...the ice cream man has gotten expensive. It's not 50 cents for a popsicle anymore!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Friends at the Lake

This summer we were able to invite some of our friends out to the lake. We ended up splitting it into two different dates so that we didn't have too many people and make it harder to share the jet ski's and time out on the water tubing and watersking! It was a blast and a great time to catch up.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer Favorites

I love summer! And all that comes with it...

I love the pool...
the lake...
summer bbq's...
time outside with the kids...
even the hotter weather doesn't bother me too much!

But, more than that... I love summer foods...

fresh peaches...
fresh home grown tomatoes...

and one of my utmost favorites...

My mom spoiled us this summer with fresh corn on the cob from Gaedert's Sweet Corn! I LOVE that stuff!!! And, so does my family!

Part of what I love about it is it's taste...
but the other part is how you eat it!

You can't beat summer Corn on the Cob!