Monday, September 7, 2009

On the home stretch...

Well, I think (knock on wood) that we are on the home stretch now with Brooke's potty training! She's been kinda hem hawing around for over a month now, but this last week I worked so hard with her and I think it has finally clicked! She's not had any type of accident in a couple days now (continue to knock on wood), I am hoping that this will continue. She even has been doing good with the "pooping" part! YEAH!! We did have one HORRIBLE pooping accident at the beginning of last Kansasland Tire no less...that was so bad that I will leave it to your own imagination as to how it went and spare you the details. Let's just say, there was poop everywhere!!! But, that is not the case anymore. I think she now understands that she is supposed to do that in the potty and NOT in your pretty new panties! I am so happy that this part of my life is relatively done...I really HATE potty training!

1 comment:

Julie said...

YEA!!! Now you can pass your tips onto the rest of us who will begin in the next few months!