Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all MOMS!

What is a mother?
Someone who cares when others care less...
Someone who encourages when others ridicule...
Someone who defends when others condemn...
Someone with patience when others are impatient...
Someone who appreciates when others fail to notice...
Someone who gives security in a world of insecurity...
Someone who is accepting when others reject...
A Mother is a friend for all time, to cherish and protect,
as her achievements will linger for generations to come.
~ Author Unknown

Today has been such a nice Mother's day. I didn't get any extra special gifts or pancakes in bed, but I received a reminder of how lucky I am to be the mother of three beautiful little girls! Mother's Day, to me, isn't about gifts or breakfast in bed but it is a day to remember what a wonderful gift I have to be "mother" to someone. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with my children and has given me the gift to be their guide, their friend, their mother. Mother's Day is also a time for me to remember my mom - a great example of the kind of mother I strive to be - I love you mom!

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