Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our Little Graduate!

Congratulations Maddie - who now has officially graduated from Kindergarten! She was so proud yesterday when she got in the car to go home from her last day at school. She told me "Mommy, guess what... I'm a FIRST grader!" It was so cute, but yet I almost cried. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast. She's now a full-time, all day student.

Maddie & Mrs. Lantz

1 comment:

Aunt "B" said...

Maddie, you are so grown up! Wow, a frist grader!! What a big girl! Speaking of our Witty children, today as Zach was walking in to his final day of Preschool he says to me "Mom, what time do I get out of school today?" I replied 11:30. He then says, with out missing a beat, "At 11:30 I am in Kindergarten no more preschool!" I'm sure Maddie was felling the same way!

Talk to you soon,