Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Witty Ashlyn

Anybody that has children has probably experienced the bedtime excuses of "I need another drink" or "I need to go to the bathroom" that children come up with in order to stay up just a little bit longer. Well, we have a couple of children that occasionally pull this type of routine. However, I've never heard such an excuse as the other night. A couple evenings ago and after the girls had been in bed for quite some time, our witty Ashlyn pops into our bedroom, looks up at me and before I could say "get back in bed", she says "Mommy, I got to tell you something". In an quick fashion, I shot back a response of "Ok, Hurry up" and waited for the lame excuse she was about to come up with. And, what I heard surprised me immensely. She responded (in song) "God is so good, God is so good". How do you respond to that? Honestly, it made me laugh out loud. She can be so funny and witty at times, but it sure was the best excuse I've heard thus far... however, you never know what tomorrow's could bring with our clever kids.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love your kids!