As moms, we all know how important it is for our children to brush their teeth! Chris and I have always tried to get the girls to brush their teeth first thing in the morning and before bed. I can't say that we haven't forgotten a time or two, but we try our best. However, I will say that we let them brush their own teeth and we don't do it for them.
Well, for some time now we have been dealing with Maddie's teeth issues. It all began back at the beginning of this year when she started complaining of her cheek hurting. Like most people, you look for canker sores or a bite inside her cheek or on her
tongue, but I couldn't find anything. It took me almost a week for her to finally direct me to a tooth on the top that I noticed was starting to turn gray inside the middle of the molar. We immediately got her into the dentist and after several visits and an attempt to fix the problem using laughing gas, we determined that she would need to be sedated - which only a pediatric dentist could do. We made an appointment for Maddie to get her teeth worked on in July and on that day we met my parents in McPherson at the quilt shop (obviously for my mother-in-law to do a little shopping). While in the quilt shop and while my mom and dad were getting the two younger girls, the clerk gave the girls each a package of Smarties without my knowledge. And before I noticed it, Maddie had eaten 4 little candies! (she was not to have eaten anything due to having surgery in a couple hours) So, I informed the dentist when we got there, not really thinking is was that big of a deal , but they wouldn't do the procedure because it was unsafe with food in her stomach.
UUUGGGGHHH! I was completely disappointed, so much so I could have thrown up! We had waited almost six months for this to be done and with one small mishap, we were being given a new appointment almost three months later!
Luckily, the three months went pretty quickly and we were set for our rescheduled appointment on Sept 30
th. And... then on the Friday before I was called to tell me that both the dentists had their babies and our appointment would have to be cancelled until they got back from maternity leave. Needless to say, I was again disappointed. However, finally on this Monday we got a call to reschedule again and they could do it yesterday morning!!! So, we went in yesterday and Maddie didn't have anything to eat so we were a go for surgery. She was given a little poke of "sleepy" medicine when I gave her a big bear hug and within minutes she was out of it. It was so hard to carry my baby back there and watch them give her an IV and see her little eyelids taped shut. The procedure ended up taking about two hours and after 2 extractions, 2
pulpotomys (a root canal for a child), 4 caps and several fillings and sealants - she was done. The poor girl has so much metal in her mouth she almost looks like she has braces - but it was
necessary to get her back on the right track. The hardest part was watching her come out of the anestesia. She was shiverring (which is normal) and soooo wigglely. I thought she was going to wiggle right off the table. She was crying and grabbing her head because she was dizzy. It was so hard for me - I hate seeing one of my children in this type of situation. But, we got it done and she was so brave! She even got to put her two molars under her pillow last night for the tooth fairy - who brought her $2!!!
So, now you can see the importance of brushing your teeth!!! Honestly, Maddie's problems were somewhat because she has inherited bad teeth - but, it was also from not brushing good enough and not flossing. So, learn from our mistakes and check your kids teeth and possibly brush for them (at least on occassion). Trust me, after spending over $1000 in her mouth - it is so worth it! Just a little note - Ashlyn has PERFECT teeth - thank goodness!!!